
Polar bears

Polar bears who would have guessed. They mainly eat seals and walruses. Hunting either of these requires patience and lots of it. They usually stay near water for there food. The wierdest thing I found is that they don't hibernate unless they are pregnant. A polar bear is one of the largest mammals on earth.A male polar bear can weigh between 700-1400 pounds and stand 8 feet tall. They are considered vunerable because of global warming and pollution.


Since caribou are herbavors they will eat any plant in the spring, summer and fall but in winter they will dig through the snow eating moss and lichens. I think we all know they migrate so they don't really stay in one place. A caribou is well adapted to the tundra because of their thick coats of fur and the wide hooves that help them stand in a spot thats soft. The wide hooves also help them swim through rivers and lakes.

Arctic fox

An arctic fox can be found anywhere through the arctic and on the northern tip of Canda, Russia,Scandinavia,Iceland,Svalbard,Alaska and all of Greenland. They mainly eat anything smaller than them like birds and thier eggs. Like every other fox an arctic fox builds a den by a hillside or river. The arctic fox is about 3 feet long and between 6 and 9 pounds. An arctic fox only survives by being small and having lots of fur.

Arctic hare A.K.A Arctic rabbit

The arctic hare is only in very cold climates because of their fur. The arctic hare will eat almost any plant it can find in the tundra and thats not alot of vegitation. They usually make a shelter in the snow so they can survive blizzards. The arctic hare is about 20 inches long and weighs 8-14 pounds. They are so fast because of their large hind feet that help them move faster and its very hard to miss there tracks.

Snowy owl

Snowy owls like to live close to the Arctic Circle but not in it. The snowy owl is a carnivor and eats rabbits mice and even other birds and eggs that they can find. They will build a nest on high ground like moutains or trees to see all the things that come there way. A snowy owl is only about 2 feet tall but has a wingspan between 4.5 feet - 5.5 feet, pretty big wings if you ask me.

Musk ox

The musk ox can be found near the northern tip of the continents on the map shown on the "Where is Tundra" page . An interesting fact is that in some of these areas they were eradicated  but were then re-introduced. Just like the hare it will eat any vegitation that it can find. They usually live in herds near a place where they have food and water. They have a shoulder width between 4 and 5 feet, and they can be 6.5 feet at most. A musk ox can weigh 400-500 pounds. They have a inner layer of wool to keep them warm. They got there name because of there musky smell.

Rock ptarmigan

A rock ptarmigan can be located anywhere near a Arctic Circle. When a rock ptarmigan is a kid it will eat insects and vegitation but as they get older it stops eating insects. A female ptarmigan likes something to hide behind to avoid predators, while males like open spaces to view their surroundings. They can grow between 12 and 16 inches in length. They also molt and change colors everytime they grow.